Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Look for a New Year

Sung to the tune of Stars and Stripes Forever: Be kind to your web footed friends, 'cause that duck may be some body's mother!
Two American Bald Eagles at White Rock  with the former H.L. Hunt's  Mt. Vernon in the background.The mansion is a duplicate of Thomas Jefferson's, Mr. Vernon.

Deep Ellum, Texas aka East Main Street,Dallas Eclectic art,song and much more. It was also the home for a while of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. Another interesting fact: The Belo Mansion on Ross Avenue in the downtown art's district was a funeral home and held the funeral service of Clyde Barrow.
We are pleased to introduce you to our new official look on our website. Work on the blog has yet to begin but it is scheduled to be updated also.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Every One Is Making List

The 11th District of the Federal Reserve Dallas

After the remodel, the Federal Reserve System Seal is Displayed
about what happened in 2012. Why? The Networks will give you that 'all important list' of 2012 tomorrow night. It's called,"fill".

 What concerns me more is the decisions going on inside this building and how the top guy will vote with all the other counterparts from the other districts. This is the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas for the 11th District. Chances are some of you have currency in your wallet with this seal and from this district, if not from other districts, too. Most, could not name the districts of the Federal Reserve Bank System much less name the Chief

Jay Leno has a skit that is used on his show from time-to-time. He would go out on a street corner near the L.A. Studio's where the show originates and ask average Americans questions about our government or basic American  facts such as: What other job does the Vice-President of the United States perform? It is sadness and comic all rolled into one.

Kids can't learn basic civics or American History in school because the teachers are to busy taking care of paperwork that has no meaning to their students and as it sounds, will soon be added with other duties like going to the firing range to keep up their certification as a firearm holder as part of their teaching duties. While the seriousness is genuine.....schools are not the place and certainly teachers are paid to teach, not perform all this other stuff they must do that takes away from actual classroom study.

This afternoon, I took each grade when I was in school and recalled my teachers and how the day was spent. Then, I took my kids teachers and grades and recalled everything their teachers did during the course of the day. It was not a shock......my teachers taught! My kids teachers were totally distracted from teaching. Oh, I know. There will be those that defend the teachers today and the skills that they have with modern technology allows the kids to learn more on their own and the teachers are just supervising the course study. You don't want to know what my reply to that would be. Keenly, I made a successful career on observing in the business climate the things most people missed and acting on those things that had been overlooked or missed or discarded as not being important at the time.

So, when I see the skit on Jay Leno, I'm very interested in hearing how the participants answer and what level the questions are rated that are being ask. It's still sad and still very,very funny. But, it should also be a red flag as to what really is being taught in our schools. To me, driver ed doesn't count as something learned at school. No, I'm sorry. My dad taught me to drive and it didn't happen at my school.

This post isn't about teachers. Rather, it is about my interest in the genesis of thought at the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas and how the chief here votes with the other district chiefs. But, most importantly, it is about how so many things come together to form the many decisions made daily that border with so many more that really--in the all-and-all of it-- really is the hand of fate and no matter what you try to do, in the end, it still comes back to the hand of fate. Even the bible speaks of our lot being cast. I'm not saying not to give a task your best. I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is that if things don't turn our exactly as you planned, don't be disappointed. I've never wished to be someone else. Why? because their fate may be 30 years less than mine. I know people that wished that they were someone  else. I'd never wish that. I just want to be who I am. So far, I've out lived a lot of my friends. If I had wished to be them, I would now be dead. So I don't concern myself with things that I have no control over. Trying to do your best and be your best each day is all anyone can do. Faith,Hope and Charity (love) is what really matters.

Ever look at the tripod that holds the red kettle's of the Salvation Army. It's three legs could very well be, Faith,Hope and Charity and as much as it also represents the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Things in life come together at just the right times that are called an Epiphany. I call them Eureka Points. I'm constantly feeding my brain and let my brain do the work. Then, I'm brushing my teeth or showering and bingo! I have an Epiphany or Eureka Point. But, you must feed your brain. Garbage in isn't always garbage out. Sometimes, a little garbage acts like a catalyst. You learn over time how much you feed it at a time and how much you add as catalyst. 

So, my list for 2012 at 11:59:59 on December 31,2012 will simply be:

I made it through 2012!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas May Be Over But........

there are a few things that need to be cleaned up, first. I wouldn't mind cleaning this one up. This unique display is at the Sewell Family of Dealerships, Sewell Cadillac, specifically, on Lemmon Avenue across from the old Braniff International Headquarters buildings at Love Filed.

I like the ornaments. But the tree was a whopper!

Honey, where do you want me to hang this one?
 The Sewell family have been delivering quality autos and service for over  a century. They are a great family, great dealerships and our thanks and holiday wishes go out to the Sewell family and each of their employees. Have a great 2013.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Five Days to Cram Everything into 2012

that you wanted to get done.  Right now, the way it looks, I ain't gonna get it all done! That's being a bit hard on myself, I suppose. The other side of that coin is the fact that 2013 is a full year that lies ahead. It would seem that a whole year is open and had plenty of room. However, one lesson in life is that in a twinkling of an eye, a split second, a hot minute, bam! and it all can change on space smaller than a dime. So, there are no guarantees that the full year ahead will be there. Taking each day as it arrives, one-by-one, has become my  rule of norm.

It absolutely amazes me that in this day of i-phones and apps and technology linked to everything that people continue to board airplanes en mass. With a major winter storm advertised, they complain that they had to sit on the tarmac for three hours albeit waiting to be de-iced before leaving or waiting for a nest, once the plane lands because all the nest are filled with planes waiting to be de-iced. Do you see the vicious circle here?

 Why have the technology if you are not going to listen to what it is telling you? Or is it listening to what it's telling you as long as it is what you wanna hear?  Just today, I heard a reporter using the line: "Do the math." What? Don't you have an app for that?  You see, that's the problem with technology. As fast as you upload a new app, the phone changes and since that was an app you didn't use much on the old phone, you pass on up-loading the new one so when you need it again........yup! you guessed it.....you don't have that app. I'm seeing a new blame target here. Blame it on the app. Of course, you could have made the whole trip less stressful in the first place. You could have stayed home. And for those of you that actually did that........ you can blame it on Netflex's burp at the wrong time.

 Go see the family when the weathermen aren't advertising a major winter storm from coast to coast!  Use that i-phone and actually call the folks.There's  still that  possibility that there will be 2014 when everything is normal. My how time flies!

One of the four Nutcrackers at Hunt Oil
The tree at Klyde Warren Deck Park


Monday, December 24, 2012

A Holiday Wish

from dallaspaparazzo:

Merry Christmas
Ornaments at the Omni with Reunion Tower in the background

The new tree at Klyde Warren Deck Park

Sunday, December 23, 2012

HO HO HO on the First Weekend of Winter

at the Klyde Warren Deck Park in downtown Dallas. People were taking pictures by the big tree. Dogs were happy and frisky with their owners and the general ambient sound was one of happiness.
I have been down to the park four times now. Twice were during the week and both remaining trips were on weekends. The park was full of people of all ages from one end to the other. This park is also one of the best kept. I have never seen anyone in a city park with a scrub brush scrubbing a stain from a walkway tile until today. Kudos's to the Warrens and the management team to oversees the facility.

 While downtown, I checked on the Main Street Park, Belo Gardens, the lawn of the Omni Hotel, finding only families and couples  using the big display of ornaments in their second year of display as a photo backdrop. Main Streets Tree was a big disappointment. So it is safe to say that the center of downtown activity has shifted to the new park above the Woodall Rodgers Expressway. This is, of course, the first Christmas season for Klyde Warren and the theme of the big red Christmas ornaments found one place there and one across the street at the Meyerson.

My thanks to the man with the Santa hat. He was a good sport and also was a great photo op.

Merry Christmas, everyone. Watch the weather closely with the area now forecast to receive 1-2 inches in Dallas and 2-4 inches in northern Collin County northward.

A very good sport!

Could not pass up this shot with the Trammel Crow Building in the background.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


One of the Rescue boats used when the rowing teams are on the lake practicing.

Across the lake from the last shot is the marina for one of the sailing clubs. I love sailboats.
The day before this shot, high winds blew through the area disrupting cell phone towers, breaking branches and limbs off trees. Later, the temps shattered records from a few to several degrees. There was a guy walking the docks at the marina for a sailing club to make sure the tie-downs were still secure. That's a nice volunteer service at any marina.

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...