Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hope You are Highly Satisfied.....and by the way, I wasn't.

The local Kroger's that takes my money and gives me food in exchange has gotten off track lately. When retailers are stressing how important the customer experience is to their bottom line, sorry to say, some just do not get the meaning of experience or bottom line, or both.

On a little street named East Pearl in old Cincinnati, Ohio, No. 66 E. Pearl Street, to be exact, Barney Kroger opened his first grocery and bakery. The year was 1883. The little company has grown a bit since then. By Kroger's own date line, they name 1946 as the beginning of their modern era. Surprisingly, I was a living creature on this planet and I walked into a Kroger's for my very first shopping experience  in their stores in 1952. So, I have shopped at Kroger's for a few years--more like a few decades! But, I have not had a problem at Kroger's ever, until two weeks ago and the occurrence of that same problem today.
So, I have been giving Mr. Kroger's name sake my money for far to long and the store allows me to take home that value in food stuff. It's a good arrangement. I've not objected one way or another and the store ,likewise. But, debating for several minutes if I was being to over-reactive or just being a crusty old man who waited a long time to be able to scream out: "Get off my grass." "Stay out of my yard." "No,you can't have your ball back."  I decided that it was the crusty old man part and said to the checkout supervisor that,"No, I will check out here." That I was,"..... tired of being run all over the front end of the store when I am already  tired, already had my walk for the day and just wanted to go home and relax".What stirred my emotional well and got my veins inflated was when she walked away from me shaking her head. I called out to her, don't be shaking your head at me.She rolled her eyes and laughed. I was not amused in the least and to have my cashier tell my checkout girl that she can't talk to customers.....well, that's the moment that I decided that I would contact Kroger's Corporate office.Before that thought had been completed I spotted a new sign that had gone up since my earlier view a few days prior. So, I got my cell phone out snaped this shot and went on out in the cold to stay my purchases in the car. At home, I pulled up the Kroger web site and clicked on the "contact us" button.
Since 2005, I've only highlighted  Corporate America on three featured blogs that were of this nature. Two of the three have been this year !
Many years ago I listened to David Roderick, CEO of US Steel, in a speech, declare that we were not turning out middle and upper management of any significance. Since that point in time, observing what was meant in that speech have earmarked many examples of that very tenant. It hasn't gotten much better and continues to be bathed in corruption and deadly sins of old Corporate America. It's time more people start to speak out. It is the very essence of the Occupy movement! 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wind Is Not This Girl's Best Friend


A Private Moment

The Wind Arrives

Getting ready for the show
Miss Texas,Kendall Morris, rode in the annual Children's Hospital Parade in downtown Dallas,Texas,Saturday,December 3,2011.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Children's Hospital Holiday Parade

Dallas,Texas,Saturday,December 3, 2011: Crowds line up for the Children's Hospital Holiday Parade.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

$130 M Project With Unexpected Sunlight Takes Shape

Sunliight beemed on the old Sanctuary when the dust settled

The new buildings take shape on the downtown campus.
There are several churches in the heart of downtown Dallas but none more 'in the heart" than First Baptist.
It is surrounded by only the width of a street by 30,40,50 and 60 story buildings. Needless to say, deep shadows covered the original church building for decades.Less than a year ago, First Baptist announced that they were building a One Hundred Thirty Million Dollar campus and that the old buildings that they were now in service by the church would be demolished  by Alfred Nobel's nobel invention (except for the original Sanctuary).
The day of the demolition crowds gathered in nearby buildings to watch. When the dust settled, sunlight, not seen in decades was shinning on the old sanctuary. Everyone was in awe.

The image of the old Sanctuary where the crane is located  was so close to one of the buildings that it was left to be torn down manually after the demolition and in the image shows that it is now gone.

The image of the semi circle is part of the new construction and ties into all the remaining buildings that are in use by the church. When complete it will add  to the overall beautification of the city of Dallas and shows the church's commitment to the downtown area for years to come. So many churches move out of the downtown area in cities throughout the US, but those that choose to stay show many tens of thousands more what true leadership looks like.

The view of the neighborhood a block south of the church.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monarch Butterfly and a House made of Pumpkins

These come from a few days ago. Jusrt getting  the time to load them up for editing has been pressed during the Thanksgiving Holiday. But, finally, here they are.

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...