The Blue Bonnets are showing signs of a bumper crop this year after the hard freeze of winter. The State Flower is still expected to peak the end of March thru the mid-April. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is a trusted information center on Blue Bonnets. The Indian Paint Brush are Orange and white and can be found in areas along Texas Highways like the Blue Bonnets.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Portals Do Exist Somewhere and I Might Have Found One
Tuesday two weeks ago, I went to bed like I always do. Basically it's an old habit from the Great Lakes days. Being on Eastern time there, the news is on at 11 p.m. That's where my world went crazy. Crazy as in I woke up on the floor and the Fire and Rescue were trying to communicate with me through solid walls. I do remember telling my self, this stuff must stop!! The next thing is that they are stretchering me out of the house. Arriving at my hospital, it soon had flashbacks that this trip was different than the last two, but very very much like the first trip at the end of 2019. The next thing I heard was that 15 units of blood had just been ordered. Long story short. I had another massive internal bleed. Story shorter, it was the blood thinner that I had be prescribed over the last ten years. It had done it's job alright, but there was the odds that something like this was going to happen eventually. My cardiologist had said at various times that there wasn't much on the market that could reverse the gastro-doc and the admitting physician bid me farewell having tested me out on clear-liquids and the like to make sure the bleeding had stopped.
It took me a bit to get my computer working again. It seems that my IP was doing something or were having problems. At any rate, it took me almost 7 hours on the phone to get things back to normal and working with the software that I need for my pictures. One of the first articles that I read on the web was something that I have been following for some time.
John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence under the Trump Administration said that, "There have been a lot more UFO sightings than has previously been made public." This was like a pre-curser to the time running out before the Pentagon is expected to releases its report by June 1 on UFOs that has been declassified. Last year, the number of sightings had increased to 6,600 world wide.
I'm not saying that I believe in UFO's. What I am saying is that using the power of math, it really is a matter of National Defense to know what is out there. As the government prepares to release a declassified report on UFOs, now that the well known UFO videos (three, in fact) have been fessed up as an actual happening that took place. The amazing thing that came from the article was the fact that satellites had recorded movements that the military have a hard time explaining.
There may be a reason that the fabled Area 51 is in a ring of mountains in the Nevada desert. Maybe, the portal every one has been looking for, is actually at Area 51??????? Stranger things have happened before.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Second Shot for Covid-19 is done.
FEMA was running the first shots and the second shots all from one facility at Fair Park today. It was even more smooth than the first shot that was taken there last month. In fact, a Captain for the Dallas Fire Department administered my second shot right on the shuttle bus. I have no complaints about Dallas County's part or the FEMA part. If there were to be any short coming, it would have to be in the communication portion of their websites and the info about walk-ups vs. drive-thru. There are lots of people who don't drive today anymore and that over site created mountains of stress. It seems that they finally got it worked out and once you could actually make an appointment, things did go very smoothly. Thanks to all the personnel and volunteers at Fair Park and the FEMA crews for a job well done.
Now, I have one final thing on my list to do and all the pre-storm cancellations and the like, will soon be a thing of the past. Then, it is to be hoped that I can continue to get back out in the field on discovery missions to find new material of the editorial variety. But, most of all, just being out and in nature is the best medicine of all for body, mind and soul.
I'm going to take a couple of weeks of no doctor's appointments, no itinerary of any sorts. Following a year of mask and social 6-foot observances, plus no power, no water and not even sitting on the porch a bit, I will be glad to see this massive loss of human life, and suffering of families get out of Dodge.
It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.
Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...
Well, I remember being awakened by the roar of wind and things crashing all around and went back to sleep. Later I found out that the wind...
Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...